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    EN 388 4011XX


Heavy Duty Unsupported Latex, Unlined with Smooth Finish - 44 Mil



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Used for chemical applications, fishing, agriculture, mining, sandblasting/pellet blasting, sanitation, pot sink applications.

  • Unlined to reduce potential of product contamination
  • Extra thick for added protection and abrasion resistance
  • Anatomically shaped to provide good fit
  • Long cuff to protect forearm
  • Rolled cuff adds additional strength to cuff edge for longer glove life and prevents liquid run-off
  • Chlorinated to harden and cleanse the surface of the glove
  • Silicone Free
  • Food Processing
  • Chemical Handling
  • Chemical Refining
  • Cleaning
  • Janitorial
Performance Data
  • EN 388 2016 Results: 4011XX
  • Abrasion: 4Cut (Coupe Test): 0Tear: 1Puncture: 1Cut (TDM-100 Test): XImpact Protection: X

EN 388 is a European Standard. Cut Level is determined by the number of cycles it takes a spinning circular blade, that is pulled across the material under a constant weight of 500 grams, to cut the fabric. As the number of cycles increase, so does the glove's ratings. Click here for more information about the EN 388 2016 standard.

The Assurance brand of products has been developed for chemical resistant applications found in all types of industrial settings and designed with the utmost safety in mind. Chemical resistance test results are available on a wide variety of chemical families found commonly in the workplace. All of these gloves have been tested for durability as well. Assurance hand protection will satisfy your needs or we'll take the product back.

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