Sécurité en soudage

Step 1:
Choose an application

Step 2:
Choose welding type

Step 3:
Other requirement

Protective Industrial Products (PIP) provides data for its safety eyewear products measured in accordance with the applicable European or ANSI standard. The results herein are obtained under controlled laboratory conditions and are for guidance only. It is the intent of PIP to assist the user in making the correct choice of personal protective equipment; however, since the conditions of actual use are beyond our control and we cannot evaluate risk in all possible work environments with all possible combinations of materials and instruments, any recommendation made by PIP is advisory only. It is the responsibility of the user to determine the risk and make the appropriate choice for proper protection against such risk. PIP does not imply any guarantee or responsibility based on information herein that a particular product will suit a specific use. NEITHER THIS GUIDE NOR ANY OTHER STATEMENT MADE HEREIN BY OR ON BEHALF OF PIP SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS A WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR THAT ANY PIP PRODUCT IS FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. PIP ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SUITABILITY OR ADEQUACY OF AND END USER'S SELECTION OF A PRODUCT FOR A SPECIFIC APPLICATION.
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